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NLP is a technology. It's got techniques that you can learn and apply. Well, it is skill based so you need to learn the skill in order to implement the techniques otherwise the techniques could fail but your skills will not.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the study of excellence, which describes how the language of our mind produces our behaviour, and allows us to model excellence and to reproduce that excellent behaviour. NLP takes the viewpoint of looking at "how" the system works, not "why".
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a simple, skillful technique for studying what goes on inside a person (subjective experience) - the processes people use to build their unique, distinctive maps or models of the world. Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an experiential approach. Therefore, if a person wants to understand an action, they must perform that same action to learn from the experience.

‘I built my sales career from zero to become to world's best motivator using NLP”.
Tony Robbins

'NLP helps me to manage audiences and motivate them. It is amazing."
Oprah Winfrey

I was able to keep my cool and focus 100% on each shot.
Tiger Woods

‘I am a huge NLP person. I love NLP.”
Jack Canfield

It helped me overcome my stuttering and self doubt.
Julia Roberts
The Six Logical Levels of NLP
​NLP practitioners believe there are natural hierarchies of learning, communication, and change.
Purpose and spirituality: This level from the Logical Levels theory is about the deeper-rooted question: ‘what else are we here for?’ This level can also be called spirituality, referring to the larger system we might be a part of.
Identity: Identity is the person you perceive yourself to be and includes your responsibilities and the roles you play in life.
Beliefs and values: How your personal Values support or hinder you.
Capabilities and skills: These are your 'internal behaviours'. The level of innate capabilities and learned skills which you have and how effectively you use these.
Behaviors: Behaviors are the specific actions you perform.
Environment: Your surrounding: the people and places that you are interacting with, and responding to, when you are engaged in a particular activity. This is the lowest level of change.

The purpose of each logical level is to organize and direct the information below it. As a result, making a change in a lower level may cause changes in a higher level. However, making a change in a higher level will also result in changes in the lower levels,
according to NLP theory.
Benefits of NLP
NLP helps you align your unconscious mind behind the goals you want to achieve and gives a clarity on your vision, purpose & values.
NLP techniques will help you to destroy limiting beliefs and overcome limiting beliefs. It teaches you how to reframe your current beliefs by applying different meaning to behaviors, situations in life.
NLP offers better choice in the way a person communicates, how a person responds and feels and helps one to focus on building confidence to levels where lives can be changed.
NLP teaches you about the process of building rapport through mirroring and matching at various levels, showing you how to connect with difficult people and help them cooperate with you.
NLP can develop your leadership capabilities and assist leaders and management to get ahead of the gain line from the advanced language patterns and physiology techniques.
NLP helps you examine your current way of thinking and develop your ability to think differently. This involves looking at the way we unconsciously structure our thoughts and our ability to divide a problem into chunks, as well as the power of reframing problems and turn them into positive states.
NLP teaches you how to listen to signals of your body and deal with pain as a signal.
With the use of NLP, you can take absolute control of your mind, creating more freedom & choice over your mindset.
Through a series of NLP interventions that work in the unconscious (like time line, N-step reframe, parts integration and provocative or performance coaching) you are able to break poor patterns for ever.
NLP helps you in improving your communication & presentation skills.
NLP can help you to learn new ways to motivate others and get to the core of complex issues quickly to be able to communicate effectively.
NLP can help you in understanding the capabilities, strategies & mindsets of successful people.
NLP gives you the tools and coping mechanisms to create more energy & relaxation in your life.
NLP offers tools to assist in leading or managing teams or stakeholders, through a combination of perceptual positions and evoking positive states.
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