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I am an internationally certified NLP trainer and Gestalt Practitioner and owe my therapeutic skills to Dr. Richard (Dick) McHugh; SJ. Ph.D.
Through Fr Dick's teaching and my love for the subject I was blessed to further learn NLP from John Grinder himself and other co-developers such as Judith DeLozier (Russia) and Robert Dilts (USA).
Its been 11 beautiful years of embodying and living NLP in every breath, across the world.
I am a humble facilitator of Global Certification Courses in NLP and Gestalt across continents such as Australia, Russia, USA and China.
I am a proud mentor to the International Journal of Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology (IJNGP).
And am also the creator of multiple books, podcasts, blogs and research through which I aim to immortalise the value of my life and enrich every living soul I come across.

On the death of my Guru, my Inspiration - Fr Dick McHugh, I went in search of the source of NLP.
This quest led me to meet, earn and facilitate the mentorship of the Co- creator of NLP, such as Judith DeLozier, Robert Dilts and John Grinder himself. Each of them is a fountain of Knowledge and I am ever grateful to drink from this fountain.
I've also been privileged to learn from stalwarts such as Suzie Smith, Tim and Chris Halbom, Michael hall, Frank Bourke and Nora Bateson each whose unique style and charisma enriches my abilities. My giants uplift me to see the world from a new height. And I can proudly say that I stand strong and comfortably on the shoulder of my giants.

Judith DeLozier

John Grinder

Susan Smith

Judith DeLozier
Students taught
Courses completed
Organizations developed
Countries explored

"I have seen Dick live, love, fight, practice, challenge and provide awareness for close to a decade.
He did not age as we usually think; instead age brought in him and increased ability to live in the present. Like wine gets better with age, so over time did he excel at the art of NLP.
He evolved at a steady mellow pace blending teaching, therapy, playing, loving and writing as the need emerged.
Dick McHugh was my mentor, my guide, my inspiration, my guru, my ode."
Dick was introduced to the subject in 1980. He gained a deeper understanding of his own psychology, physical environment and most importantly religion through NLP.
NLP gave him clarity, it came as calm, mentally equipping him to deal with things in a healthy manner. His inspiration came from Buddhism, Judaism and Sufi tradition, integrating these beliefs and learning made him feel at ease.
Dick was the only Gestaltian alive. Gestalt taught him that the resources necessary to find the answers are within one’s self.
Love is 100% participation in life. Know that the one you love will be taken away from you; know that if you love, your heart will be broken Also, know that everything you hold dear is changing, is impermanent and will die.
My Journey






Hong Kong


As a curious student seated in my first NLP session with Fr Dick in 2007, little did I know I would be blessed with the love and compassion of transforming lives across the world. In my experience of over 12 years as a master practitioner of NLP and being a facilitator of the subject to over ten thousand students, I have traveled across countries such as the USA , China, Thailand, Russia, Australia , Hong Kong and India as well. Being acquainted with the diversity of culture,color, race,religion and language across the globe. I've come to believe, we all are only human looking to be a little more humane. And NLP empowers me to bring this change in each one's life.
Anil's Books and Publications

These are not just books but tiny windows into my mind. Each of which have a unique and distinct charm and purpose to serve. I've meticulously articulated each word in these books to tickle your brain just where it needs to be.
For some its medicine for the soul, for some it's food for thought and for the rest, I believe they just love my work.
Well… Books have always been an integral part of my adventure through life. And these are simply my shades of color to illuminate your canvas of life.
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