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About Anil 

  • Anil is internationally certified NLP trainer and Gestalt Practitioner and owe his therapeutic skills to Dr. Richard (Dick) McHugh; SJ. Ph.D.


  • Through Fr Dick's teaching and his love for the subject he was blessed to further learn NLP from John Grinder himself and other co-developers such as Judith DeLozier (Russia) and Robert Dilts (USA).


  • Its been Anil's 11 beautiful years of embodying and living NLP in every breath, across the world.


  • Anil is  humble facilitator of Global Certification Courses in NLP and Gestalt across continents such as Australia, Russia, USA and China.


  •  Anil is proud mentor to the International Journal of Neurolinguistics & Gestalt Psychology (IJNGP).


  • Anil is also the creator of multiple books, podcasts, blogs and research through which he aims to immortalise the value of his life and enrich every living soul he come across.

My humble contribution to the immense ocean of knowledge in this ever changing world 

I've simplified these complex concepts just for you to imbibe them better. 

Here are snippets of me in my element in my happy place with learning and teaching.

My vocal devotion to inspire your mind and heart with life advice you never knew you needed.

I am more than happy to help with any doubts & questions you would like to know about.

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